About DSEU

At Diamond Silk Entrepreneur University

"You will be learning to be a creator, Not just a manager.
And ideally, You will be a creator of your own business,
Not a manager of someone else’s."

Source of the Founding Power

We are, first and foremost, a business school, but one which intends to expand out to bring the concept of Global Roots to all the departments of a traditional Universiiy.

Secondly, we seek to bridge the great ideas of East & West, just as the Silk Road did, centuries ago. Bringing business people of both West & East closer together, for a more successful and more peaceful world.

Thirdly, we honor one of the greatest innovations of Asian culture with the word Diamond, for this is the traditional representation of the invaluable ancient Asian concept of “emptiness”. This idea of “emptiness,” for us, is itself a microcosm of the lack of awareness, or even misunderstanding, of Asian culture which has plagued East/West relationships historically, and especially in recent years.

It is ideas like this that you will learn at DSEU: Diamond, Silk, Entrepreneur, University. This means that—at DSEU—you will be learning to be a creator, not just a manager;and ideally a creator of your own business, not a manager of someone else’s.

Founding Principle: Global Roots

What makes us different is what we call Global Roots. We believe that when you graduate from DSEU, you will be able to build a successful, innovative business better than a graduate from any other business school or university in the world.

At the end of the Silk Road, there was a highly-developed culture—Asian culture—twice as old as the culture of the Greeks. Yes, it  had birthed technical advances: the invention of printing and paper itself; as well as porcelain, silk, and gunpowder. But the culture of Asia had also spewed forth almost countless advances in thinking—in the very stuff that every good university is made of.

Imagine a business school that offers you not just the great ideas of the Western half of the world, but also the great ideas of the Eastern half of the world. Here at DSEU, we call it Global Roots; and it is no exaggeration to say that you will be twice as powerful and creative graduating from such an institution. Twice as likely to succeed, and twice as likely to make a lasting contribution to all the people of our entire world—both West and East.

You could almost say that no business school in the world can ever ignore the constant task of West & East finding our common roots; our common needs; our common solutions. An Management Excellence Program or Advanced Management Excellence Program who learns this one truth—of all the truths we can learn in an Management Excellence Program or Advanced Management Excellence Program program—will, first of all, be much more successful, and infinitely more innovative, than any other businessperson. Secondly, this kind of successful graduate and businessperson—the one who really feels and utilizes the Global Roots, East & West—is automatically helping more people: making other people’s lives more secure, more comfortable, and at the same time more meaningful, and even elegant.

East Campus

The East Campus is located in Kyoto, Japan, which is for example only a 2 to 3 hour flight from many of China’s major cities. This means, for example, that parents can easily visit their Management Excellence Program student daughter or son, especially because Japanese visas are so easy to get for visitors from almost any country. This campus will also feature both Chinese and American professors and staff.

West Campus

The West Campus is located in Sedona, Arizona, in the United States. Sedona is a beautiful small city 1.5 hours flying time from Los Angeles; it is quite close to the Grand Canyon, the most popular tourist destination in the entire United States. We feel it is the perfect place to focus on your business degree studies, in a safe atmosphere, with both American and Chinese professors and staff in attendance.

DSEU and the World

A great university interacts with the world in many ways. First and most important, DSEU – like any other great university-sees our responsibility as creating great graduates who affect the whole world outside the university.

In our case, above all, our graduates affect the world simply by recognizing and living by the Global Roots of both the West and the East in our world.

The sign that a DSEU graduate recognizes the Eastern roots is that-unlike the graduate of any other major business school at present-they recognize the ancient truth that competition creates mutual loss; whereas cooperation creates mutual success.

That, in fact, the very hope to cooperate creates mental seeds that ripen into extraordinary levels of success­ success that makes the world more prosperous and peaceful for everyone.

Given the roots that DSEU itself has grown from – decades of work to preserve and make available to the world the great literature of Asian history- the university will in time inevitably help continue this production of high-level academic research. And DSEU will also continue a tradition of making this high-level research immediately available to and relevant to the lives of normal people, everywhere.

Finally, many years of experience by the founding directors of DSEU have taught us that a living example is the best educational technique of all. DSEU students and staff, here inside the life of the university, will constantly be encouraged to conduct our activities within the university, and with each other, in such a kind, thoughtful, and mutually supportive way that observers from the outside can see that we are actually living the high ancient wisdom that we inject into our university.

We take, from the beginning, this truth of actually living what we teach, as the highest level of the interaction between DSEU and the outside world.


About Diamond Silk Entrepreneur University

Diamond Silk Entrepreneur University,referred to as DSEU,is a non-profit privateuniversity.Just like the Silk Road centuries ago,we are committed to building a bridge betweenEastern and Western cultures, bringing businesspeople from these two regions closer togetherand creating a more successful and peacefulworld.DSEU started with a business school andplanned to expand into a university withmultiple departments in the future. DSEU: Diamond, Silk, Entrepreneur, University.
This means that —at DSEU—y ou will be learning to be a creator, not just a manager;and ideally a creator of your own business, not a manager of someone else’s. We honor one of the greatest innovations of Asian culture with the word Diamond, for this is the traditional representation of the invaluable ancient Asian concept of “emptiness”. This idea of “emptiness,” for us, is itself a microcosm of the lack of awareness, or even misunderstanding, of Asian culture which has plagued East/West relationships historically, and especially in recent years

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