
Apply Now

Application Procedures

Preliminary Consultation


Submission of Application Materials


Document Review




Admission Results


Enrollment Preparation


Tuition & Application Requirements:

  • EMBA
  • MBA
  • YLP
  • Tuition:112,000 USD
  • Application Requirements:
    Bachelor's degree or equivalent*
    Over 8 years of work experience, with at least 5 years in management
    *If you do not have a bachelor's degree, please contact the admissions advisor for further discussion
  • Application Deadline:
    First Batch: October 31,2024
    Second Batch: January 31,2025
  • Tuition:72,000 USD
  • Application Requirements
    Bachelor's degree or equivalent*
    Over 2 years of work experience
    *If you do not have a bachelor's degree, please contact the admissions advisor for further discussion
  • Application Deadline:
    First Batch: October 31,2024
    Second Batch: January 31,2025
  • Tuition:38,000 USD
  • Application Requirements

    The perfect YLP candidate is a young person aged 18 to 23; they could already be enrolled in a traditional university BA program, or just considering doing so. They are intelligent but not the kind of person who is obsessed with their college entrance exam scores. They are sensitive and show the beginning seeds of a deep social conscience: they will do something important, in their coming lifetime, to help the world.

  • Application Deadline:
    First Batch: August 31,2024
    Second Batch: October 31,2025

        Third Batch: January 31,2025

Program format: Part-time

Program Duration: 22 months

Official Languages: English, Chinese

In-person Course Frequency: 10 times within 22 months, approximately once every two months

Start Date: March 2025

Locations: Sedona, Kyoto, Online

Application Fee: 200 USD (Non refundable)

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